How to Clean a Ceiling Fan in a Few Easy Steps

 Have you ever cleaned every inch of a room only to come back 10 minutes later and see a fine layer of dust settled everywhere? No, it's not your ineffective cleaning skills—the most likely culprit? Your ceiling fan. Ceiling fans are a great, low-cost way to keep your home cool during the summer months, but if they are not cleaned regularly, they can ruin all your hard work.

Picture this: your room is pristine and smelling fresh right after a good deep clean. You believe you covered every inch, but then, you switch on your ceiling fan, and the dust monster returns. If you are cleaning an entire room but skipping the fan, you're skipping the most important step. Switching your fan on without cleaning causes all that dust and dirt to be sprinkled throughout the room like the grossest snowstorm imaginable.

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